Rules+ All you need to join this fanlisting are a name or nickname, valid e-mail address, and country. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about how we use your data. Nicknames may be edited at the fanlisting owners' discretion. + If you want your webpage linked, add a code or text link before you submit the join form. If your site is an online journal or blog, please place the code in a permanent spot that can be linked to directly (a single entry or a user info page). If your site is not in English, I would appreciate it if you could point out where the code is in your site in the comments so I don't accidentally miss it. + Do not direct link my codes. They will not work. Upload them to your own server, or to a free image hosting service. If you don't know what direct linking is, please read this page. + I reserve the right not to link your URL if your page contains porn or graphic material, if it is completely commercial in nature, or if it does not have a proper text or image link back to this site. + Last but definitely not least: be a fan, and be proud of it! Site content and design are All non-original images used within this domain and its subsites are the property of the original creators. No copyright infringement is implied or intended. If you own the copyright to any of the images appearing on this site or its subsites, and you wish those images removed, please contact me. This site is entirely not-for-profit, and no paid advertising will ever be placed on this site. |