What's a Fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor/actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. (def. from thefanlistings.org)
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Black Olives
Black olives are usually riper and contain more oil than their green relatives. The difference in color also has to do with the way they are cured. Black olives alone come in many different varities. Mission olives are the ones most typically found in U.S. grocery stores and on pizza and other restaurant items; these are usually grown in Californa and tend to be very mild in flavor. Most European varieties of black olives, including the Greek kalamata and the French nicoise are a lot more flavorful and rich.
Why this fanlisting?
I love black olives. I eat them in salads, on pizza, in Mexican and Italian food, or just out of the container when I want a snack. The name of this fanlisting, "Athena's Gift," comes from Greek mythology. The goddess Athena supposedly won the city later named Athens by presenting them with olives, a gift with many different uses, rather than the more impressive gifts of the other gods.
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