Welcome to the fanlisting for the relationship between Guybrush Threepwood and Elaine Marley-Threepwood from the Monkey Island Game Series.

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Guybrush Threepwood

Guybrush Threepwood is the main character of the Monkey Island game series. The first game opens with Guybrush landing on Melee Island and vowing to become a pirate. During the course of his adventure, Guybrush has to break into the governor's mansion and steal a priceless treasure. Fortunately for him, that governor is...

Elaine Marley-Threepwood

...Elaine Marley. Elaine stops her sheriff from arresting him, and meets him on the dock later to profess her love for him. Unfortunately, Elaine is then kidnapped by the ghost pirate LeChuck, who is madly in love with her himself. Guybrush gathers a crew and sets off to save her, and a gaming legacy is born.


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Part of:  Pirate-queen.net and TFL


Webmistress: Jenna [contact]
Script used: Enthusiast [Erin's Fork] v. 1.2 (original version)
Last updated: 11th February 2025
Member count: 20, from 9 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Dizzy


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Day of the TentacleEscape From Monkey IslandMonkey Island (series)Sam and Max
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